The changed landscape of the spectacularly scenic Andratx to Estellencs road


Yes, so sad that this stretch of Mallorca most beautiful coastline has been scared by one of the island’s most serious forest fires for many years and started on July 27th by the carelessness disposal of embers from a BBQ.  But to be positive, the coastal views are still sensationally beautiful and fortunately the fire did not spread further to damage all the magnificent forest and coastal landscapes still visible along the effected route. Soon though you are once again traveling through pristine forests and dramatic coastal landscapes on you journey northwards towards Banyalbufar, Valldemossa and Deya.

As in the other forest fire effected area over the years, replanting is a priority and between Andratx and Estellencs, preparation is already underway with the planting of various plants in special plots in order to create allotments to encourage the growth of the island’s flora and fauna to keep the soil in place for replanting of the young saplings. Hundreds of volunteers of all ages are already spending long hours in high summer temperatures clearing away burnt trees so that reforestation can begin urgently. The old stone walls and roadside barriers are also being repaired but it will take a lifetime before the area returns to it’s original beauty.

Perhaps you would like to help, if so call 900 151 617 or visit or email [email protected]

FIRST MALLORCA – Everything with passion

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